ph.via pinterest
As a blogger for more than two years now, i was spending so much time indoor building this little place where i'm sharing all the things that i like and do with you. Slowly i've become opssesed with home working areas, and i start collecting the photos which i stored of course on my beloved Pinterest profile! Here is the board with the originals links to these photos!
It can be a true inspiration for all of you who are working a lot from your homes! Light or dark walls, faux fur acrross the chairs, great quotes on the wall, baroque wallpapers, moodboards lovely candles etc ...
I will definitely use this ideas in the future!
p.s. i will visit my hairdresser today, and my first thoughts were to repeat the last year haircut, if you have any suggestion, feel free to leave me a link to certain photo! :) Thanks!
ph.via pinterest
As a blogger for more than two years now, i was spending so much time indoor building this little place where i'm sharing all the things that i like and do with you. Slowly i've become opssesed with home working areas, and i start collecting the photos which i stored of course on my beloved Pinterest profile! Here is the board with the originals links to these photos!
It can be a true inspiration for all of you who are working a lot from your homes! Light or dark walls, faux fur acrross the chairs, great quotes on the wall, baroque wallpapers, moodboards lovely candles etc ...
I will definitely use this ideas in the future!
p.s. i will visit my hairdresser today, and my first thoughts were to repeat the last year haircut, if you have any suggestion, feel free to leave me a link to certain photo! :) Thanks!