I received sad news from Beers of the World Magazine Editor
Sally Toms one week ago: the magazine will cease production after
issue 26. It will live on as a website: http://tastingbeers.com.
Beers of the World, based in the U.K. but also available in the U.S.,
was one of my favorite beer mags. It offered great coverage of the
world beer scene!
I had five articles over the years in the magazine. I covered Antwerp's
Bierhuis Kulminator in issue 11; beery Brussels in issue 14; Belgium's
female brewmasters in issue 15; Belgian breweries in issue 16; and
great Belgian cafes in issue 22.
Links are here, except for issue 22, was was never put on the
Only the first few hundred words of the articles are on-line:
Cheers to four years of great articles in Beers of the World, and all
the best to the staff in future endeavors.
Hopefully the new Beer Connoisseur magazine will fill the void that
BOTW leaves.
Charles aka Chuck Cook